We're proud to announce that Muth Law / the Law Office of Andrew S. Muth has been ranked by U.S. News & World Report and Best Lawyers as one of the 2017 Best Law Firms for personal injury litigation in Ann Arbor, Michigan. The honor is a location-based "Metro" ranking. Our firm placed in the #1 tier of firms honored in our area.

The U.S.News – Best Lawyers "Best Law Firms" rankings are based on a rigorous evaluation process that compares law firms based, in part, on client and lawyer evaluations. Clients are asked to provide feedback on expertise, responsiveness, understanding of a business and its needs, cost-effectiveness, civility, and whether they would refer another client to the firm. Lawyers are similarly asked to vote on expertise, responsiveness, integrity, cost-effectiveness, whether they would refer a matter to a firm, and whether they consider a firm a worthy competitor.

We welcome you to learn more about the U.S. News - Best Lawyers rating process and to view our rating on their website. Most importantly, we appreciate our clients' and colleagues' contributions to the rating process and their confidence in our work. We encourage you to learn more about our promise to clients and our clients' successful cases.

Categories: Firm News